Friday, May 26, 2017

Happy 17th Anniversary!


Happy 17th Anniversary to my love! 

Friday, May 12, 2017

Pregnancy Update - Week 32


32 Weeks Along

I have not been good about taking pregnancy pictures this time around. But here I am, at 32 weeks. 

32 Weeks. 
Well into the third trimester now. 
Feeling big, though I know I'll get bigger still.

Started feeling some heartburn for the first time. The old wives' tale is that heartburn equals a baby with a lot of hair. This is one tale that has held true for me. Always plenty of heartburn and my babies all are born with a head of dark hair. 

I've pulled out my baby boy and baby girl clothes from storage now. I still need to pack a hospital bag.

Baby Bumble, we're getting closer to being ready for you! We love you!

Homeschool Co-op Wraps Up


Our homeschool co-op recently wrapped up the spring semester. Our co-op runs for 12 weeks from February through April and then has one final program at the end. We meet on Wednesday mornings from 9 to 12:30 at a local church. 

My 13-year-old daughter had these classes: Double Dutch, Worship Song Leading, Games, and Engineering Challenges. 

Her Worship Song class led a song at the end-of-semester program. Great job, everyone! 

Her Double-Dutch class also performed, which was a real crowd-pleaser at the program. Hard to capture a still-shot of that. The group did so well, after just 12 weeks of practice for 45 minutes each week plus two additional practices. Excellent work! 

My 9-year-old son had this line-up of classes: Gym (always his favorite), Colonial America, World Records, and States and Capitals. He learned all 50 states and capitals in this class, so I was thankful for that one! 

My 3-year-old princess had her first semester in the preschool class at co-op. It was rough at the start, but after she got used to her new classroom and teachers, she loved it. She learned some letters and sounds and they focused on a different community helper (ie. doctor, librarian, garbage collector, etc) each week. 

And my youngest boy was in the nursery all 4 hours this semester WITHOUT ME! This was a big adjustment for him, as last fall he was with me constantly, making quite a fuss when left in the nursery for even a few minutes. But he adjusted fine and enjoyed his nursery time when he'd gotten used to it. 

I taught an Elementary Mindbenders / Logic class this time around. This class was challenging for us teachers - to come up with enough material to keep the students busy and challenged. But we made it and the students really enjoyed it. 

Here the students worked with pattern blocks. They also did logic word puzzles, riddles, Rubik's cubes, minute mysteries and many other mind puzzles.

I taught a Jr High Speech class this semester. 

Here are a few pictures of students giving demonstration speeches in that class - one making cookies and one making frosting. The students worked hard and gave some great speeches.

The entire group of children (around 125 kids) stand up and recite the Scripture memory passage together. Each week of this semester we studied 1 Peter 5:5-11 with the goal of memorizing the entire thing. Those who can do it get a special prize at the end... in addition to simply having God's Word hidden in their hearts for the rest of their lives! 

We really love our co-op. 
Great families. Great friendships. Great classes.
Great opportunities. Great prayer time with the moms. 

Thank you, God, for how You use this group in our lives!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Liz's Wedding


We attended our friend Liz's wedding recently. 
My kids absolutely adore Liz! 

She is Mary Poppins, I tell you! 
She is the best baby sitter ever.
Her career now is a Child-Life Specialist - basically, someone who is great with kids and can help them at the hospital ER to deal with whatever trauma they're facing. So she is like a clown, a nanny, a bubbly cheerleader who loves making kids happy! She will make an incredible mommy one day.

Anyway... she recently married Logan. They had a simple, elegant, evening wedding in a rustic barn setting. One highlight was staying until dark when the guests had a sparkler send off for the new couple. 

God bless this new marriage! 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017



This 3-year-old loves to dress up. 

She just can't get enough of pretty dresses. So she wears them almost daily, just around home or wherever we happen to be going that day.

Here she was closer to Easter time, having received some new dresses to show off. 

She loved having a little fashion show, putting each dress on multiple times!

Sure do love you, Little Miss!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Two Littles


Life is busy, but here are a few sweet shots of my two littles.

Playing piano together. So sweet. 

And just smiling together, getting ready to be tickled by showing off that belly button!

Such sweethearts!