Monday, February 27, 2017



It's a new phase for my oldest daughter - she got braces on today!



Beautiful, before and after and everywhere in between! 

PS: My life is full of many different phases, making it hard to keep it all straight in my mind. One teenager, now in braces. One 9-year-old boy, full of energy and needing direction. One preschool girl finally getting serious about potty training. One toddler boy, learning how to climb on furniture and getting daily bumps and bruises from the process. And one baby in-utero, growing, kicking. My life is full - of phases, of changes, of growth. And it is good!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Pregnancy Update - Week 20


Pregnancy Update - 20 Weeks 

20 weeks means half-way! 
20 weeks means an ultrasound is scheduled soon. 
We will not be finding out the baby's gender. 
We like surprises!

I pulled out the maternity clothes in the last 2 weeks. I had someone I see regularly tell me THIS WEEK that she didn't know I was expecting, she was so surprised. She had no idea! So I guess I've been hiding my belly well! 

20 weeks pregnant means we have 20 more weeks to...

...get our 3-year-old completely potty trained! 
...make some freezer meals for those crazy first weeks.
...finish up this school year of homeschooling.
...get the newborn clothes out of storage, washed up.
...choose a name!

We love you, little Bumble!