Tuesday, October 27, 2015



 Today I'll share some portraits of my four children. Venturing to the portrait studio with this crew was daunting, but it ended up going smoothly. 

My oldest daughter. What a beautiful 12 year old!

My youngest daughter, almost 2 years old. She sure seems like a big girl now compared to little brother. 

My youngest boy, in a basket. 5 weeks old. 

My oldest son. He's almost 8 years old. 
What a handsome young man!

All four together. 

I am so wonderfully blessed - with my two girls and my two boys. God has indeed been good to me! 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Family of Six


We're a family of six.

I'm still getting used to saying that and even thinking that. 

We're blessed.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015




This picture shows my husband's parents meeting baby for the first time at the hospital. I'm thankful for his parents as they also watched our other 3 children while we were in the hospital for 3 days. Thank you!

My mother lives in Wisconsin but came to visit for a few days last week. Her visit was a highlight for me, as she was wonderfully helpful during our time of adjustment with new baby. 

She came prepared to make meals while she was here, did dishes after every meal, enjoyed time with the other children and of course got lots of snuggles in with the new baby. 

Here she was playing a game with my oldest daughter. Each evening there were rounds of Uno, Mancala or MadLibs to work on. Fun times that included lots of laughter.

And here she was being a good sport with the other children. Thank you, Mom, for everything!

Monday, October 5, 2015



Introducing our newest family member. 

Here's my 2015 Baby Boy who arrived just over a week ago.

He is happy and healthy, an all-around delight!

Proud papa with another son!

The other children are smitten with him, just as we are.

Children are a blessing from the hand of God. We are so thankful that He has chosen to bless our family with these four eternal souls to raise for His glory. God is good!