Thursday, February 27, 2014

Friday Funnies


I'm a big advocate of writing down those funny things kids say, because I know that they won't make it into my long-term memory. So here are a few of the funny things my children have said recently. 

My 10-year-old daughter took a shower early one morning. She told me afterwards that she was so tired, she just felt like "a pig made of jello on an upright spit." What a word picture! 

Last week our 9-year-old niece Racquel was over for a playdate. She and my 10-year-old daughter were talking about weddings and boyfriends (ay, ay, ay). Racquel named a boy she'd like to marry and then asked who should be the "ring barrier?"

My 6-year-old son used this funny combo phrase "scared me out of my horses."  He also mistakenly referred to my favorite Girl Scout cookies (Carmel DeLites) as "carmel good nights." But my favorite was when he was watching baby sister. She was trying to drink and "talk" at the same time, making those super cute baby noises. My son said "That's bad table manners to talk and eat at the same time!" 

Remember there's always something to smile about!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Baby Girl at 2 Months


Baby Girl is now 2 months old. 

She weighs just over 10 pounds. She's smaller than average by weight, but bigger than average by length. 

She smiles a lot now. She lights up when she sees mama. She's definitely a mama's girl. 

We have so many names for this little girl. We use pet names a lot, like "rosebud" (which turns into "rosey" a lot) and "little miss" (which turns into "missy" a lot). And we sometimes call her "sissy" (as in "little sister"). She just may grow up to be confused about what her name actually is! 

I've been pleasantly surprised at how smooth the transition has been for my other two kids to grow to love baby sister. It's been beautiful (and entertaining at times) to watch. 

We love this little girl!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014



Here's a recent picture of my baby, all ready for Valentine's Day! 

Been thinking about love lately. We've worked on memorizing Romans 12, which includes a verse "love must be sincere; hate what is evil and cling to what is good." I've explained many times to my children that love must show itself in action. The words "I love you" are meaningless if they aren't followed up with action. 

And so I've been more intentional about verbalizing "I'm doing this because I love you and love must be sincere" while I'm preparing food, cleaning a dish, pouring a cup of milk, changing a diaper :-) 

Love must be sincere. 
I'm so very thankful for those who show sincere love to me! 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Baby Comparisons - Smiles


My newest baby started smiling this week. I love it when the smiles start. Baby becomes more interactive and I start to feel like there is a little bit of gratitude for the hard work of parenting for these first months. 

These smiles remind me of my other kids' first smiles. So fun to look back, to remember, and compare their individual looks. 

Here's a picture of my oldest daughter in 2003 with some of her first smiles. I notice the chubbier cheeks. 

Here's my son in 2008 with some of his first smiles. 

Babies. So beautiful. So special. So unique. 

We are so blessed!