Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pregnancy - 25 Weeks


25 Weeks Along

We were on vacation during this week. It was an enjoyable time, enabling me to relax some and just delight in some family time. 

Keep on kicking, Baby Flutter! We love you!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Just Because We Love


Just because I love my hubby, here we are together. I had my daughter grab a shot of us at church recently since we both looked good :-)

Come what may, I love you, Babe! 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Pregnancy - 23 Weeks


23 Weeks Along

I don't have much to say about this week of pregnancy. 
I've been tired. I've been stressed. I'm thankful that Baby Flutter is growing, still moving a lot.

I'm thankful for the privilege of pregnancy.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

When Life Overwhelms


Someone pushed the fast-forward button on my life! 

In the last week or so, my husband has had some major medical issues that have consumed us. And today I got a call about a medical issue that has me battling anxiety too. 

On top of that, we're planning our first-ever real family vacation and there isn't enough time in the day to wrap up the planning we need to do for that. 

And it's back to school time. My daughter has already started homeschool 5th grade, but I have very little planned for Kindergarten for my son. 

And I'm pregnant, so I've got lots to think about as far as baby goes and hormones that may be out of whack.

Life feels overwhelming at this moment. 

At times like this, I aim for 

1) recalling Scripture verses that comfort me ("Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you" immediately comes to mind). 
2) getting more sleep, which is very important to my overall frame of mind. 
3) finding someone I can talk through my concerns with (most often this is my husband, but could be another friend with a listening ear). 
4) a good cry, which is simply cleansing for me to acknowledge how I'm feeling and be ok with it.

In this busy season of life, this blog has taken a back-seat. I'm ok with that. I will continue to post as I'm able. 

If you are up to saying a prayer for me and my family during this time, it is appreciated. 

Thanks, friends!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Pregnancy - 22 Weeks


 22 Weeks Along

I had an appointment with my midwife this week. Everything is going well. Last month's lab work to test for gestational diabetes came back normal, which is great. They wanted to do a second test, though, as an early detector of diabetes. This test is regularly done around 28 weeks, but we did it this week. It involves drinking "glucola" (a super-sweet glucose/sugar drink) and then having blood drawn 1 hour later. I haven't heard back regarding those results. 

My 10-year-old daughter was able to feel some baby movements this week, with her hand on my belly. I think the reality of a baby is settling in more and more, as my belly grows and as the rest of the family can interact with the baby a bit through movements. 

I have had some insomnia this week, though I think it's more related to some stress in my life than the pregnancy. 

16 more weeks to due date. Keep growing, Baby!

We love you, Flutter! 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Birthday Bash

It's a week for birthdays around my house! My daughter has officially turned 10 and I've officially turned... another year older too. :-)  Last weekend we had our annual Birthday Bash - a fun family party. 

This picture shows most of the attendees, but not quite all. The weather was gorgeous, so we were outside most of the time. 

We grilled out and ate yummy food. 

The kids played games. The adults sat around and talked. As evening approached, we started a campfire in the backyard and roasted marshmallows. 

 In my humble opinion, August is a great time for a birthday!

Fun times for all! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weekend Guests


Last weekend we had some guests from Wisconsin. My mom and niece Christa came down to visit for the long weekend. My dad drove down also, just for the day on Sunday.   

A nice shot of my mom, Christa and my two kids.

And a silly shot just because life is too short to not have some fun. :-)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Birthday, Dearest Daughter


 My oldest child is about to enter double-digits! 

She's growing into a thoughtful, helpful young lady. In the last year, I have seen a lot of growth and maturity in her. I expect that with the addition of a baby in our family in a few months, she will grow up even more.  

Although she is often shy, she was hamming it up with the photographer during this photo shoot. It was quite entertaining to watch!

Our weekend will be busy with out-of-town guests here to celebrate. We will have a Triple Birthday Bash, as we celebrate daughter's birthday in addition to my birthday and my husband's since they are all within 3 weeks of one another.

Happy Birthday to my not-so-little girl! I'm so very thankful God has given you to our family!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pregnancy - 21 Weeks


21 Weeks Along

I'm starting to feel big. It was around this stage of my last term pregnancy that the baby started to be extra-large, so I am curious to see if this pregnancy follows that pattern. My now almost 6-year-old son was over 11 pound at birth, so we'll see if this is another big baby or more normal size (as my first baby was at 7 lbs 13 oz). I'm not trying to outdo myself... but there was nothing I could've done differently last time around nor anything I can specifically do this time around to avoid a big baby. At this point, I do not have gestational diabetes and I'm not eating too much or gaining weight too quickly. We'll see how things progress.

The baby's movements are feeling stronger. Strong enough, in fact, that Daddy could feel them now. Baby Flutter is active at night, when I go to bed. Or maybe that's just when I am relaxed enough to feel notice the movements. But each movement is confirmation to me that Flutter is doing well. 

We love you, Baby!